Managing Projects
Searching for your Project
All projects in Digital DNA Studio can be accessed from the Dashboard, whether they are drafts or deployed. Depending on your role, you may be able to view all the projects created in the organization or only your projects. Projects can then be sorted by age (determined by the last edited project) and alphabetical order.
If you have an Editor role you can only view projects created by you. With an Organization Owner or Support role, you can view and perform project actions on your own projects as well as those created by others in your organization by clicking the Created by Anyone toggle.
Note: This toggle option is available only for the Organization Owner or Support role.
Project Actions from Dashboard
Open - Brings user to the project overview page for selected project
Insights - Brings user to Insights Dashboard for selected project
Duplicate - Creates a new project with the name chosen with all settings copied from the selected project.
Copy URL - Copies the URL of the experience to distribute to end-users.
Create Video Assets - Allows you to record and download scripted videos of your Digital Person.
Delete - Removes the project and cannot be undone.
Edit - Opens the project editor page allowing further modifications.
Launch - Opens the experience in a new tab in your browser.
Launch, Deploy, Copy URL, and Create Video Assets options are only applicable on deployed projects.
Viewing Project Details
The Open option takes you to the Project Management page where you can manage the project with additional settings as described below:
Key | Description |
1 | Project Details. Displays the Project Name, Project Label and the NLP software platform used to build and manage the dynamic data and conversational content for your Digital Person. Additionally, the information on the user who created and last edited the project is displayed here, along with the time stamp. |
2 | Deployed Digital Person URL. The URL to the website where your Digital Person has been deployed. This field also indicates if your new Digital Person or the changes you have made to an existing DP has not yet been deployed. You can also copy the link or launch the deployed project from this field, to start using your Digital Person. |
3 | Project Maintenance Options
4 | Create Video Assets Allows you to record and download scripted videos of your Digital Person. |
5 | Connection Config (Advanced). Click the drop-down arrow to view the connection configuration details for your project:
The Key Name and Private Key is a pair of password-like keys which your project uses to verify requests to connect to your session server. DO NOT share these publicly or commit them to your codebase. These three values are provided by DDNA Studio and used when you are signing your JWT to authorize a connection to the Digital Person. |
6 | Embed Code Copy paste the unique code into your website’s HTML to host the Digital Person as a widget on your website. |
Viewing Project Insights
Digital DNA Studio provides an Interaction Insights tool that enables you to monitor and track the performance of your Digital Person project. This built-in tool enables you to graphically view and analyze historical data that can help you understand how your project is progressing and enables you to identify interaction areas that require improvement. For detailed information, see Viewing Interaction Insights.