Managing API Keys

Managing API Keys

API Keys are unique identifiers used to help authenticate connection requests to a particular project or other Soul Machines APIs. This section describes how to create, and use your API Key for the Soul Machines platform.

The API keys view screen can be accessed from the Settings cog > API Keys on the top right-hand corner of the screen.

API Keys Navigation

Creating New API Keys

To create a new API Key, click Create API Key on the top-right of the screen. API keys can be generated for two purposes:

Once your API Key is generated, you can view it at any point on the API Keys view screen.

Once your API Key is generated, you can view it at any point on the API Keys view screen.

Viewing API Keys

Once you click on API Keys, you will see a view of all active API keys you created, the project it's assigned to, and the scope.

If you are logged in as an Owner, Support, or Analytics user, you can view all the API keys generated within the organization.

User Contol Icons



Sort the API keys by scope or creation date.

View details of the API key. Depending on the scope the details may vary.

Edit API keys.

The API key edit option is available only for WebAPI and Mobile keys.

Revoke/delete API Key.

Copy the generated API Key.

The Analytics API key is viewable only during creation. If you have lost the Analytics API key you will need to create a new one.

Revoke API Key

You should revoke an API key immediately if it becomes inactive, lost, or compromised. Once you revoke the API key, any integration using it will stop working immediately, and it is not possible to reissue a revoked API key. You can create a new API key if you need to reconnect with the API.

To revoke an API key:

  1. Go to the settings cog icon on the top right corner of the screen and select API Keys.

  2. Select the API key that you wish to revoke and click the delete icon against it.

  3. Click Yes, Delete to confirm.

Editing Web and Mobile API Keys

You may sometimes need to add or edit trusted domains of the WebAPI keys without changing the key itself. Click the edit icon on the API Key Management page. The Update API Key page allows you to edit the name, toggles, and UI domains.

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