Embedding into WordPress

Embedding into WordPress

The video below describes how to embed Soul Machines Digital Person into a WordPress website.

Integrating with WordPress

Before you begin

From Digital DNA Studio do the following:

  1. Create and deploy a Digital Person with the conversation.

  2. Generate API Key for your website. Ensure to enter the website URL into the Custom UI Domain field.

  3. From the project management page of your project copy the code for embedding into the website.

Inserting Code in WordPress

  1. Log in to your WordPress Dashboard. From the main left menu, scroll over Appearance and click on Widgets.
    From here, you will be able to view your current Widgets on your WordPress theme.

  2. Click the inserter [+] button from the upper left-hand side. Then scroll down to the Widgets category and choose Code or Short Code.

  3. Insert the copied code snippet and replace the “your_API_key” with the one you generated from Digital DNA Studio.

  4. Once you're done adding the Widget, click Update.
    The Digital Person will appear at the bottom right corner of your website.

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