Google Dialogflow CX

Google Dialogflow CX

Digital DNA Studio consumes Google Cloud Platform service account keys for Dialogflow CX in JSON format. The method for generating these keys differs depending on whether you already have an existing Dialogflow CX project or not.

Creating a new Dialogflow CX project

Please follow these instructions on setting up a new Dialogflow CX project via the Google Cloud Console. Only the steps up to and including ‘Create a service account and download the private key file' need to be followed. The private key file in JSON format downloaded in this step can be used with Digital DNA Studio.

Once you have your service account key, you can select your project and create an agent via the Dialogflow CX console. Please refer to the Dialogflow CX documentation on how to build an agent.

Minimum required role permissions are: "Dialogflow API Client" and "Dialogflow API Reader".

Accessing credentials for an existing Dialogflow CX project

This assumes that you are working with a Dialogflow CX project created using the steps outlined here and have appropriate access to manage the project.

  1. Select your Dialogflow CX project

  2. Select an agent

  3. Click on the Agent Settings button in the top right of the agent editing screen

  4. Click on the Share tab


  5. Select the appropriate role and open it in the Google Cloud Console (hovering over the role will display a link at the right of the page) - the Email Type should be Service Account

  6. Select Service Accounts via the navigation panel on the left of the screen

  7. Select Actions > Manage keys for the appropriate service account

  8. Select Add key > Create new key, choose JSON format (you cannot download previously generated keys)

  9. The JSON service account key will be downloaded - this can be used with Digital DNA Studio

Connecting a Dialogflow CX agent to your Digital Person

  1. From Digital DNA Studio, select Dialogflow CX under the ‘Manage Conversation and Skills’ section

  2. Upload your service account key JSON file

  3. A list of agents across all regions will be displayed - select the one you wish to connect

  4. A list of environments for the agent selected in the previous step is displayed - select the one you wish to connect

  5. Select Enable as base to finish connecting Dialogflow CX to your Digital Person

  6. Complete setup by selecting Finish Setup

Dialogflow CX Configuration

Configuring the welcome event

If the ‘MY DIGITAL PERSON SHOULD GREET ME AT START’ is enabled in Digital DNA studio, an Event Handler with the ‘Welcome’ event needs to be added. Create a new Event Handler, select Use custom event, and set Custom Event to Welcome.