Skill - Greeter

Skill - Greeter

Skill Type

Base Conversation


This Skill is the Base for the Greeter Role. It introduces the Digital Person, welcomes the user with optional rapport building, and sets framing for the conversation.

This Skill is:

  • Built and owned by Soul Machines Ltd.

  • Powered by IBM Watson Assistant.

  • Only supported in English.

Skill Demo

Greeter Base Demo (with all configuration options enabled)


All configuration options in this Skill are optional. By leaving a configuration option blank you can skip that content, allowing you to (for example) skip straight to rapport building, or to leave rapport building without an explicit call to action.

Note that to create variation in what the Digital Person says you can use Elegant Variation in these configuration fields. Best practice is to use variation sparingly and only add it to high traffic sections of conversation, so the Greeting and First Question are perfect places for it.

Provide the following information in the Greeter Skill configuration screen in Digital DNA Studio. See Adding Skills to your Digital Person for detailed instructions.

Greeter Base Skill Configuration






How should the Digital Person greet the user?


This block is intended for the the Digital Person to introduce themselves and the brand they’re representing.

Use Rapport Building?


Should the Digital Person attempt rapport building before opening up to Q&A? If set to on, the Digital Person will ask a simple question like “How are you today?” to break the ice.

What is the Digital Person’s first question?


This block is intended for the Digital Person to set expectations and give a call to action. Usually it should set the User up to ask a question about the brand or product.

(Optional) Content Card body to be shown with the first question?


Optionally, you can include the body of a content card here to be called at the same time as the first question. This allows you to include an image or options card with the introduction. The body will look something like:
{ "type": "image", "id": "image", "data": { "url": "https://www.soulmachines.com/wp-content/uploads/sm-logo-retina.png", "alt": "Soul Machines logo" } }

How should the Digital Person say goodbye?


This block is intended for the Digital Person to close out the conversation. Including the @close() tag will end the session automatically when the tag is reached.

Conversation Design

This conversation design shows how the conversation flows depending on what configuration is available to the Skill.


After reaching the dialogue “What is the Digital Person’s first question?” the Greeter Base Skill assumes that another open-ended skill like the Knowledge Base Skill will be present to continue the conversation. The Greeter Base Skill will only be triggered again if the User says “Goodbye” or no Fallback type Skill is set.