The YouTube Skill will allow you to add YouTube channels or content videos in the Skills section of Digital DNA Studio. This skill can be customized to your needs, depending on what channel you want to focus on in your search. The skill takes the conversational request from the end-user and uses the YouTube API to search those channels and videos looking for matches. If there is a match, it will return a customizable conversation response along the lines of “Here is a video I found on that topic", along with the video link and description. The Digital Person will speak the conversational response, then the enterprise customer's UI will be responsible for showing the video.
For you to take advantage of the YouTube skill, your user interface must support cards or be able to capture and interpret @commands and make use of the variables included in the response JSON. This is built into the default theme but would require custom frontend development if you are using custom UI.
Provide the following information in the YouTube Skill configuration screen:
This allows you to restrict the YouTube video search to your official channel. It is also possible to enter multiple comma-separated channel IDs or channel names.
Note: Specify at least one channel or playlist.
This ID or name is available in the URL of your YouTube channel:<yourChannelId>
Example: 'Cpo1Pr6k5kxG9AUVm7bg6pXK', NatGeo
Playlist Search
This allows you to restrict the video search to YouTube playlists. Also supports multiple comma-separated playlist ID search.
Note: Specify at least one channel or playlist.
This ID is available in the URL of your YouTube playlist:
Enter either strict or open. When safe search is set to strict, it helps hide explicit content on the search results.
Spoken Phrase When Listing The Video Options
Output phrases that can be customized to change the tone or wording of the verbal response. The default is 'I found several videos on that topic. Please indicate which you want to view'
Spoken Phrase When No Videos Found
Output phrases when a matching video is not found. The default is 'Sorry, I couldn't find any videos for {0}'
Max Number Of Videos To Return
Specify the number of videos to be returned. It can be a number between 1 to 100. The default value is 3.