The Pronunciation Skill enables the DP to change their pronunciation of words based on a simple string match/replacement
The Pronunciation Skill can be included with any DDNA Studio project as a post-process skill. This skill enables the user to provide a list of words or phrases that require updating without making updates to the base NLP or Gen AI conversation.
Sample Skill Definition
"name": "Text Replacement Skill",
"summary": "Create a list of words to update in post process",
"description": "Create a list of words to update in post process",
"isPublic": false,
"status": "ACTIVE",
"serviceProvider": "SKILL_API",
"category": null,
"endpointInitialize": null,
"endpointSession": null,
"endpointExecute": "",
"endpointEndSession": null,
"endpointEndProject": null,
"endpointMatchIntent": null,
"languages": null,
"config": {
"skillType": "POST_PROCESS",
"configMeta": [
"name": "replacementList",
"type": "TEXT",
"label": "List of text replacement updates",
"required": true
The skill definition creates an replacementList input that allows you to paste a string of phrases and their replacements in the conversation. Phrase/Replacement pairs can be entered into the text area field and are delimited by a new line (\n), while the individual words to replace are delimited by a dash (-).
"projectId": "ABC123",
"deploymentEnvironment": "preview",
"sessionId": "7600aff2-6ebd-44de-bcd2-1facd8ab4f29",
"intent": {
"name": "MY_INTENT",
"confidence": 0
"text": "This is a sentence to demonstrate the text replacement skill, developed by David Stoll at Soul Machines.",
"config": {
"pronounceList": "Sentence - string\nStoll - @pronounce(Stoll, Stall)"
Sample Response
"output": {
"text": "This is a string to demonstrate the text replacement skill, developed by David @pronounce(Stoll, Stall) at Soul Machines.",
"variables": {}
"endConversation": false,
"endRouting": false