How do I unblock my Microphone and/or Camera?

When creating or editing a project, Interactive Preview provides an enhanced experience if it is given access to your camera and microphone.

If you have previously blocked access to your camera and/or microphone and wish to restore access, take the following steps:

  1. Follow the instructions below relevant to your browser

  2. Click the Microphone and/or Camera buttons to activate the desired devices

Browser Specific Instructions


  1. Click the padlock/info icon in the left side of the address bar

  2. Click the ‘Reset Permissions’ button


  1. Click Safari menu → ‘Settings for’

  1. Click the text next to Camera/Microphone and select ‘Allow’


  1. Click the camera/microphone button in the left side of the address bar

  2. Click the ‘Blocked Temporarily’ buttons to remove them